Mandated Reporter Academy
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Mandated Reporter Guidelines and Compliance

The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) requires each state to have provisions or procedures for requiring certain individuals to report known or suspected instances of child abuse and neglect.

Entities that employ mandated reporters are required to provide them with training to recognize signs of abuse, understand their legal responsibilities, and know how to report abuse effectively. These requirements vary by state. Contact us to learn more about our training solution.

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Group of small nursery school children with man teacher sitting on floor indoors in classroom, having lesson.

What is a Mandated Reporter?

Mandated reporters are individuals who are mandated by law to report known or suspected child maltreatment. They are primarily people who have contact with children through their employment. Mandated reporters are required to report any known or suspected instances of child abuse to a child welfare department or a local law enforcement agency.

Who is a Mandated Reporter by Law?

Mandated reporters are people who interact with children as employees or volunteers and are required by law to report suspected child abuse. Entities who employ mandated reporters are required to provide them with training to recognize signs of abuse, understand their legal responsibilities, and know how to report abuse effectively.
Mandated reporters may include, but are not limited to:

  • Schoolteachers and other school personnel
  • Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare workers
  • Social workers
  • Law enforcement officers
  • Childcare providers
  • Clergy members
  • Coaches and athletic directors
  • Foster parents
  • Camp counselors
  • Mental health professionals
  • And more
Vector image of a diverse group of people of different professions and occupations
Multiracial group of students training in computer class. Line of man and women in casual sitting at table, using desktops, typing, looking at monitor. Training center concept.

Mandated Reporter Training Requirements

Navigating the mandated reporter guidelines can be quite complicated, particularly due to the differences in requirements and mandatory reporting laws by state. Understanding these details is crucial for professionals involved in child welfare.

Federal regulations provide a starting point for mandated reporter training, stressing the importance of recognizing and reporting signs of child abuse. The real complexity of mandatory reporter requirements becomes apparent at the state level. To help professionals stay informed about their specific state requirements, the Child Welfare Information Gateway is a comprehensive resource. This site provides a detailed breakdown of state-by-state training mandates.

A comprehensive resource for meeting these diverse requirements is the Mandated Reporter Academy's iLookOut for Child Abuse course. Modified to meet state-specific mandates nationwide, this course provides a standardized approach to mandated reporter requirements and training. Regardless of the state in which you are located, the iLookOut course can meet the training requirements.

Partner With Us

To inquire about partnerships or learn more about Mandated Reporter Academy, email or call 717-461-8920.

Mandated Reporter Academy can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your state or institution.

Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive mandated reporter online training solution.

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Purchasing For Your Organization?

Mandated Reporter Academy can be purchased for your organization. Enroll learners, ensure completion, manage certification, and report on compliance all in one place.

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